Nier automata pc patch official
Nier automata pc patch official

nier automata pc patch official

Global keypressDelay, doubletapDelay, sequenceDelay, dodgeTime, fireToggle rebind TAB to Fire / Pod Fire, leaving LShift unbound in the game SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% Ensures a consistent starting directory. SendMode Input Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. #NoEnv Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. Incidentally, for me, on a gamepad, I like the axes exactly the opposite between first and third person games. I didn't make any changes there as it was already set up the way I like it. Now that I've said this, I'm not even sure if you can invert the camera axes in Nier. However, a lot of times the default controls will be inverted from what my preference is, so I'll invert the axes and things instantly feel better. (will use a pad in a pinch, but I don't like it) However, with third person games like Nier, it actually feels extremely natural with a game pad. (at least in my experience) I play almost all first person games exclusively with a mouse. Once that kind of clicks in your head, the angles and motion makes more sense. For me, I imagine it like I'm pushing the camera around the player character. Always try inverting the camera before writing it off.

nier automata pc patch official

Sometimes the default settings in this type of game will feel off.

Nier automata pc patch official